Fun ways to Exercise
Exercise classes available including boot camp, barre, yoga, weightlifting, boxing, Tai Chi and more at YMCA 360
For your kids: You Tube Channels to help them burn off energy
Watch a Musical, Play, Opera or Ballet
Broadway Plays and Musicals you can watch on stage while at home
Operas and Ballets from the Royal Ballet:
Take a Field Trip, Virtually
Virtual Field Trips, including the San Diego Zoo, Yellowstone National Park and The Louvre:
Books, books, books!!
A list of sites that offer free public domain books in electronic and audio format.
Have fun with Art!
Virtual Art Classes for Kids (and adults too!)
Can you sew? You can help make masks for the medical staff on the front lines!
Stichroom offers tutorials on how to create masks!
Reach out to family and friends
Use this time to call, FaceTime, WhatsApp etc all of those you never have time to connect with and it is a way to make sure they are all healthy and well. We don't have to be isolated while in isolation...look out for each other and we can all stay healthy and safe.
Need help with financial issues during this crisis?
If you feel you need additional savings right now, you might be interested in Lifestyle Benefits Club's program, FAMILY4TIFY, which offers immediate savings on groceries, deliveries and other immediate needs. Find out more and further details about the program here: FAMILY4TIFY. Check out our program FAMILY4TIFY at
Throughout the Coronavirus crisis, we wish you all health and safety. We know this can be a stressful time and we want to help however we can: we are happy to offer a free prescription discount card help you save money while weathering this storm.
Click on the link below to get your free prescription discount card:
Stay healthy. Stay Safe.
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