Looking for a way to help out during the Coronavirus crisis? Here is a list of several different organizations that are in need of assistance, with volunteer opportunities ranging from making phone calls to giving blood, donating money or helping out physically. These websites can also support you if you are in need of assistance yourself.
Volunteer Organizations
Coronavirus Volunteer Aid Directory with opportunities in all local communities: https://www.coronavolunteer.org/USA
The United Way Worldwide, committed to standing with our communities and supporting those impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak: https://www.unitedway.org
Donate Blood or Volunteer for Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org/volunteer/become-a-volunteer/urgent-need-for-volunteers.html
Help at your local food bank: feeding america: https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-blog/you-have-questions-about-food-banks-response-coronavirus-we-have-answers
Know how to Sew? Sewing masks for health individuals: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/3/30/21199785/homemade-coronavirus-masks-n95-ppe
Virtual Opportunities: https://www.idealist.org/en/actions?isVirtual=YES&q=&searchMode=true
Call and check in on elderly individuals: https://mailchi.mp/39f288f79cd8/dorots-passover-package-delivery-sunday-march-2661959?e=f071038a0e
Keep yourself Healthy and Safe
Follow CDC guidelines so you don’t become a victim yourself
Need help with financial issues during this crisis?
If you feel you need additional savings right now, you might be interested in Lifestyle Benefits Club's program, FAMILY4TIFY, which offers immediate savings on groceries, deliveries and other immediate needs. Find out more and further details about the program here: FAMILY4TIFY. Check out our program FAMILY4TIFY at http://www.lifestylebenefitsclub.com/family4tify
Throughout the Coronavirus crisis, we wish you all health and safety. We know this can be a stressful time and we want to help however we can: we are happy to offer a free prescription discount card help you save money while weathering this storm.
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Know of other volunteer organizations we could add to this list that need help? Please email us at marketing@lifestylebenefitsclub.com and we will happily add them to the list.
Stay healthy. Stay Safe.
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