An added benefit in both the Here2There and Turbo|Charged programs is Key Fob Replacement. Here, founding member Ron discusses how expensive it is to replace key fobs for various models of cars.
What does it cost to replace a key fob?
Ron: "Let's talk about that because there is a wide range and people generally don't know what it costs to replace a key fob. I have a friend who, last year, lost a key fob to both his Infinity and to his Corvette. Typically, for mid-range cars American/Japanese/European brands, you are talking about a minimum of $250 up to as much as $500-600 (to replace the key fob). When you get into the next tier of cars: the higher end American/Japanese/European brand cars, that number can jump up and start at $700 and above up to $1000. When you get into the really really high end cars, by that I mean, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Rolls Royce, etc, those can cost you well over $1000. So, we have coverage, no matter what kind of car you drive: you are covered up to $1500, if you lose your key fob."
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